Repetitive Strain Injuries

Repetitive Strain Injury or RSI is a range of painful or uncomfortable conditions of the muscles, tendons, nerves and other soft tissues, usually caused by repetitive use of a certain body part, often in the upper limbs. RSI is typically related to an occupational strain, but may also be linked to certain leisure activities.

Signs and symptoms vary, depending on which part of the body is affected, and what caused the problem in the first place.

Initially, symptoms may only occur when you are doing the repetitive task and slowly fade when you rest. Eventually, though, symptoms may be present all the time, and worsen during the repetitive task, if left untreated.

Osteopaths are trained to determine which tissue is responsible for your pain. They have the appropriate skills and knowledge to assess your complaint and decide on the most effective course of action.

Osteopathic management may involve:

  • Manual therapy to ensure affected muscles and joints are moving correctly
  • Assistance in achieving and maintaining good posture
  • Providing ergonomic advice for your work and home environments

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